How It Works


Become a member when you check-out at and earn $5 just for signing up.


Earn 5% rewards by shopping Lions Pride’s online selection of Penn State apparel and memorabilia.


Redeem your rewards on future purchases online at


How do I use my Loyalty Rewards?

At checkout, copy and paste your Loyalty Rewards code into the ‘Gift Card or Discount Code’ section. Your rewards will be deducted from the total price.

How do I earn Loyalty Rewards?

Login to your Lions Pride Loyalty Account when shopping on our website and earn 5% of your purchase back in rewards for future orders!

Do my Loyalty Rewards expire?

Yes, your rewards are valid for 12 months from the date that they were earned.

If I return items to the store, will I keep my Loyalty Rewards earned for that previous purchase?

No, you will lose the rewards earned from that purchase (5% of the item’s total price). It will be deducted from your Loyalty Rewards account automatically upon return. All returns need to be processed through the mail.

Can I use a discount code in addition to my Loyalty Rewards?


What about my in-store Lions Pride purchases?

Our loyalty program runs through our website. As a result, it does not apply to purchases made in-store, and cannot be redeemed in-store. But have no fear, if you want to continue racking up rewards for ALL of your purchases, you can simply shop online, and choose In-Store Pickup at checkout, and your rewards will be added to your total, while still saving on shipping costs by picking up at our Downtown State College location.

Future Rewards & Past Rewards


Earn 5% on every purchase.

More To Come

We hope to use our LPLP to find new and creative ways to reward our loyal customers. Stay tuned.