One thing is for certain this off-season: nobody knows. First and foremost, nobody knows exactly what this new term that’s invaded our lives like an extra-terrestrial, the transfer portal, means. Is it a good thing or is it bad thing?...
Well, it’s been over a week now since we took one on the chin and #9 went down in a blaze of glory. Another loss, mind you, the fourth in a season of near misses. It certainly wasn’t what we...
I remember as a young child that my favorite number was determined by my age. When I was nine I was on our sunporch, rocking on a wooden rocking horse I had long outgrown, telling my sister that when I...
It was exactly three years ago on January 2nd in Jacksonville, Florida that #9 stepped into the shoes of our fallen QB and officially introduced himself to Nittany Nation. He led a furious comeback that fell just short against Georgia...
Well folks, not long after Christmas wrapped up, I began watching the annual blue and white pilgrimage to the prestigious city lucky enough to host Nittany Nation as its home-away-from-home during bowl week. This year it just so happens to...
They say time heals all wounds and what I witnessed on Christmas Eve was proof. Don’t worry friends, there is a Penn State twist in this story. I, like all of you, woke up on Christmas Eve to the news...
You can hem and haw all you want about the fourth down and five, one-point losses to the Buckeyes, and struggling to get over the hump on the road, but one thing you can never take away from James FrankLion...
It’s been well over two weeks now since Beaver Stadium closed its gates and bundled up for the long winter slumber. We’ve got a catfight brewin' in Orlando as the Nittany Lions take on the Kentucky Wildcats January 1, 2019,...
Two thoughts came to my mind when I learned our post-season fate yesterday afternoon. First, if it can’t be the playoffs, then what’s better than sunny Florida and the Magic Kingdom for some end-of-season tailgating? My second thought was of...